Our front yard with our school building nestled in the woods, removed from bustle of Brandt Pike

Our front yard with our school building nestled in the woods, removed from bustle of Brandt Pike

Admission Process

We work closely with families during the admission process.   Our school community is strong and that starts with a personal admission process.  

The admission process starts with a school tour or attendance at one of our open house events where you can speak with an administrator and see the classrooms.  The next step is to submit an application and application fee.   

Please click here for our application for enrollment.

Please click here for the EdChoice Application from ODE

After that we will schedule an observation (adults only) to see the classroom in action. Families applying to our elementary program  need to have all previous school records sent to us.  We also may request work samples form previous years.  Next we may invite the child for a visit with the teacher outside of school hours and a school day visit.    

We will notify you once your application has been accepted, and you can submit the deposit to secure your child's slot.  

Please click here for a more detailed description of all steps and forms required for admission.