How To Contribute

Dayton Montessori Society is a not-for-profit 501(c )(3) organization. DMS is funded through tuition, fundraising, and donations by generous sponsors. Financial contributions help keep our tuition affordable for families, allow us to offer community education programs, and keep our program strong. Tax deductible contributions can be made by check made out to Dayton Montessori Society and sent to 5515 Brandt Pike Huber Heights, OH 45424. Please include your name and address so that we may send you a thank you letter and receipt for tax deductions, and please let us know if you would like to be named a donor on our website. Contributions of any amount are very appreciated!

Other Ways to Contribute

Dayton Montessori Society participates in the corporate giving programs listed below. By following a few steps, companies where you already shop will donate a portion of the profits from your purchase back to DMS. Thank you for supporting DMS!

Amazon Smile

Amazon will donate to Dayton Montessori Society with each purchase you make when you make your purchase through Amazon Smile and designate Dayton Montessori Society as your charity of choice.

Community Dinners

About once a month a volunteer from our PTO sets up a community dinner at a local restaurant as a social event and to raise funds for DMS. Restaurants will donate a portion of sales to anyone who presents a flyer (usually on your phone) on the designated day. Check out the calendar of events on our homepage to see upcoming dates and accompanying flyers.

Kroger Community Rewards

Kroger will make a donation to the school for purchases made with your Kroger Plus Card when you designate DMS as your charity of choice. It is easy to designate DMS as your charity. Sign into your Plus card online account. Select Community Rewards. You can look up Dayton Montessori Society by name or by our number “LC900.” Click here to find more information about how to sign up. Please remember to re-designate DMS as your charity of choice each spring. Thank you!

Box Tops

Clip “Box Tops for Education” off of products you normally buy. Place them in the designated box at school, and the school will receive a donation based on the number of box tops we send in! Click here for more information.